Monday, September 14, 2009

A New Year Begins...

I began my third week of school today. I currently have two girls in my classroom, both of whom are nine. I teach 3rd and 4th grades and love it. It is always said “you never stop learning” and I have to say it is true. When you teach you learn a lot more then you ever thought you would and I love every minute of learning new things. I don’t think I would be a very successful teacher if I did not love learning. I am looking forward to learning more as the year goes on.
I teach a wide range of subjects which include: Math, Reading, Language, History, Health, and Penmanship. In about 5 weeks we will be done with Health and begin working on Science. I had forgotten how much we learned in the 3rd and 4th grades. It is funny how I take for granted those things I know. In October I will gain a 6th grader and a 9th grader and then in January my other 4th grader will be back from the States. I am looking forward to having a full class and to my continued