Thursday, December 31, 2009

Quotes from the Streets of Poland

-There were countless witnessing opportunities on the streets of Poland, here are some great quotes after hearing the Gospel:

-"I have never heard this before!"
-"I lived in the US for 10 years and never had a conversation about God, how is it I'm having one now here with you?"
-"If Baptists have the truth, why hasn't any one ever told me?"
-"You're a heretic!"
-"You're a Jehovah's Witness!" Jay: "No, I'm not." Pole: "Yes, you are." Jay: "No, I'm not." Pole: "Yes, you are." this continued until out of hearing distance...
-"I'm a Catholic" Jay: "What do you think about God?" Pole: "He doesn't exist."
-Jay: "Who forgives your sins?" Pole: "My priest." J: "Who forgives his sins?" P: "I never thought about that."
-One Jw woman said upon meeting Jay again (accidentally in someone's home) "I haven't had peace in my heart since we last spoke."
-Randomly witnessed to a group of boys in the park and one said "I've heard this message from you before a few months ago."
-Jay asked an older woman "Do you think you can be saved?" She put her head in her hands and sobbed.
-Young Polish man back packing through Europe said in perfect English "Why are we even talking about this, I don't give a #@!@*!" Jay: "You told me you were seeking enlightenment!"
-Young High School student: "I'm Catholic." J: "Do you believe in Evolution?" Student: "Yes." J: "How did God create Eve?" Student: "From the rib of Adam." J: "Is this Evolution?" Student: Pauses and answers "No."
-"I'm Catholic." J: "Do you believe in God?" "No, I'm atheist."

In closing: one woman asked: "Why are you going around doing this?" Reply: "Because people are going to hell."

1 comment:

malinowskifamily said...

Keep on redeeming the time.We pray for you and for the harvest.