Wednesday, October 27, 2004
English Club Begins
Monday, October 25, 2004
Friday, October 22, 2004
Fun with Friends
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Life in Poland – I’m sure some of you remember coal chutes that were used to deliver coal to home basements so it could be burned for heating during the winter. Well they have those in Poland too but have you every heard of a potato chute? Today at our daughter’s school, we observed the potato truck (yes there is such a thing) delivering potatoes to the school cafeteria by means of a chute running into the basement of the building! It was one of the strangest sites. It was one of the many times in Poland that I have said to myself, “I wish I had the camera!”
Sunday, October 17, 2004
We just wanted to remind you about our Thanksgiving project
coming up. We will be sharing about Thanksgiving in the United
States to an English school about an hour from where we live.
Part of this will be sharing some "traditional" Thanksgiving
food. There are many things that we can get here, but there are
also many that we can't. So here is your chance to get involved
with our ministry here in Poland. Here are some things that we
need pumpkin pie filling, pumpkin pie spice, Crisco sticks,
canned cranberry sauce, cream of mushroom soup, or anything else
that you can think of that we may need. If you would like to help
us please send us an email at or and we
will send you our mailing information.
We would also like to use some real life stories so if you would
email us stories about your family traditions, funny memories, or
favorite memories that would help us tremendously.
We need these things as soon as possible so we can finalize our
planning for this event. Thank you for all your help!

On Friday October 17 we went to the "Wolf's Lair". This was Hitlers bunker and headquarters during WWII. Here is Sean, Lydia, the girls, Emily, our tour guide, and the dog in front of one of the bunkers. I am still amazed at the history that is around us. Yesterday Emily and I went to Old town and walked past the castle that Nichols Copernicus lived in. Sometimes we as Americans forget that history started before 1776. Anyway, we had a great time together at the Wolfs Lair and getting to see some of the other cities in Northeast Poland. There are still many cities in Northeast Poland that we havent visited yet but would like to. We are praying that God will show us how and where He is already at work. Please pray for our tour guide, I dont think she is a believer, but she has contact with the Baptist church in her area.

Monday, October 11, 2004

This last Sunday, October 10th, we had worship at our house. Sean and Lydia and their girls, and Michal and Ania came over for a time of prayer, singing and reading of the Word. We had a wonderful time. It's so nice to be able to worship in a larger group in English. I have missed that. Kevin read and shared from Hebrews 10. Sean led us in songs. This time was such an encouragement to me. It really fills me up and gets me ready for the week ahead. I pray that we will continue to do this throughout or time in Olsztyn! :)
Friday, October 08, 2004
A look at history
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Hi again! Thanks for praying for us this past week. We traveled to visit some missionaries who live in Lithuania this weekend. It was a very nice break for all of us. The part of Lithuania they live in used to be Poland, which is interesting because the part of Poland we live in used to be Germany! Do you sense a theme here? It was a beautiful fall drive and we traveled through a part of Poland we have not yet seen. The area is the extreme NE corner of Poland including the cities of Gizycko, Suwalki, Agustow, Orzel, Mragowo and several other large cities that have no Baptist churches. This NE part of Poland that we drove through is huge and full of so many people who need to have an opportunity to hear the gospel. Pray with us as and for us as we pray, plan, travel and work in this area. Pray that the people that live in these cities will have an opportunity to meet Christ! Pray that we can bring the good news to them!