Saturday, December 24, 2005
Christmas Greetings and What's Been Going On
We're enjoying the encouragement and support of being part of a church, and the kids love it as well. We're all making friends quickly. We've been able to visit in several homes already (of both believers and unbelievers), and have SCORES of invitations for Christmas. No one wants us to feel lonely! :) We want to make the most of the visiting opportunities, so we're actually planning to celebrate Christmas as a family on the 23rd. The kids and I are making a birthday cake for Baby Jesus, and Caleb offered to blow out the candles this year, "...since Jesus doesn't usually like to show up and just LET people SEE Him." :)
We're enjoying language study and readjusting to the culture of Poland, doing as much practicing and wandering around as possible. We're also leading a Bible study/English Club once a week. This group has been meeting with the team for quite a while, and the team was glad to hand it over instead of telling the whole group, "See you in six months!" They've welcomed us with open arms, and we enjoy not only the hour English lesson, but especially the thoughtful and insightful time of Bible study following each lesson. Please pray with us that there will be a deeper understanding of the meaning of the celebration of Christ's birth among our group members this holiday season.
We've also found a great obstetrician, with whom Bethany feels completely comfortable! Praise the Lord for THAT! He said that everything looks wonderful, and Bethany was even able to see our little one's face clearly during the ultrasound last week. We're all getting SO excited! She'll be visiting the hospital this week to learn her way around a little bit.
Again, thank you all for praying for us, and for your patience as we were out of the communication loop for a while there. We love you all, and are praying rich blessings and enriching times of reflection this holiday season! Celebrate Christ with us!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

This is the picture from the Bible study part of English Club tonight. We had 13 Poles and 6 Americans there! It was a HUGE group and we had lots of fun. We started tonight by drawing one thing that we did during the day and then the other people had to guess what we did. It was funny to see all the interesting things that we had done�and the interesting ways that people drew them! My stick person had a ginormous head and the oven where I was baking was twice the size of me. An artist I am not! Anyway, we had a wonderful time and it was neat to watch the group interact with and meet Robert and Bethany. I think they will enjoy doing English Club with them when we leave. Please pray for that transition.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Christian History - Nicholas Copernicus - 131 Christians Everyone Should Know
Just a quick note, part of this article gives a reference to Olsztyn, though it never says the city name. The reference to 1514 and Copernicus’s time administrating the war was during the period of time that he spent here in Olsztyn.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Dearest Friends
and Family,
November is here, can you believe it?
Volunteer Team
We were excited to have another
team from Central Baptist Church Jonesboro, Arkansas at the end of October.
This team came to prayer walk, and that is what they did. One goal that our
team has had since the beginning of the year was to prayer walk the entire city
of Olsztyn. Well, with the help of this team we did just that. There were
about 4 of 5 districts that we had not yet prayed in and they helped us saturate
these areas with prayer.
Another thing that they came to
do was to pray on All Saints Day. We went to three different cemeteries to
pray for people who were there preparing the graves for this holiday. We had a
Polish friend with us all three times who was able to explain many of the things
that were going on. I have been to the cemeteries three years now and I learned
more about Polish culture this year than any other time. It was overwhelming
for the volunteers to see such a sight. They had never seen so many people in
one place with such an urgency to do a religious act. It is always good to see
a different culture and how they deal with different things, especially death.
We saw people who have no hope in this life or hope for the next. Please
continue to pray with us that the Word of the Lord would come to this place and
give Hope to so many hopeless people.

We are excited to say that
baby Ollie is growing up and healthy. We went to the doctor this week for a
sonogram and here are the pictures from this (click it for a larger version).
On the top picture you can see the baby sucking his thumb, the middle picture is
the baby’s heart and heartbeats, and on the bottom picture you can see the
baby’s ear. Please continue to pray for his (or her) development. Pray that
God would continue to prepare us to be parents.
English Club
English Club continues to go
well. There were 11 Poles last week, three of them new to our group! It is
awesome that people are still coming and inviting new people. Please pray
that we will continue to share our vast knowledge of English with these
folks, but more importantly that they would continue to bind together as a group
and that they would come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. (See
below for more exciting English News!)
Departure Of Friends
One of the hard things about
missionary life is the constant "goodbyes" that must be said. This month we
have had to say 3 goodbyes. At the beginning of the month we had to say goodbye
to our friend Damian. He moved to southern England to live and work. We did
get the opportunity to spend some time with him before he left. Please pray
for him as he is continuing to adjust to his new life in a country that speaks a
language other than his native tongue (though he does speak English well). He
is also seeking the Lord and the way to the Lord.
We also had to say goodbye to
our good friends Pawel and Ewelina this month. They are moving to Scotland to
work. They were two of the first people we met when we moved to Olsztyn and had
the opportunity to spend some good times with them doing many different things
from just hanging out to working together at the children’s camp to church stuff
to playing music. Please pray for them that they find jobs, housing, adjust
to a new culture and for Pawel as he works on improving his English.
Coming Up!
We are continuing to pray about
the future and our time in Terre Haute. We continue to pray about jobs,
transportation, and issues relating to the baby. One praise is that there is a
possibility of working in a local ministry. Please pray about this
opportunity. We feel that this is something that God wants us to do, but there
are some details that need to be worked out but we are trusting God to provide.
We have been praying about what
would happen to our English Club and what would happen with the people that have
been coming. Well, God has answered our prayers in an incredible way!
He is sending another missionary couple to Olsztyn. The Kaczmarek’s will
be arriving in Olsztyn on December 1st. This is great because
they will be able to take over for us before we leave. Please pray for
them as they finish things up where they are, as they pack and move. Also
they are expecting their third child in February.
Father, I ask that you would open doors for the
the gospel in this area. I pray that many would hear and receive Jesus.
"Finally, brothers, pray for us that the
message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you."
-2 Thessalonians 3:1-
(this is one of the prayers that we prayed
several times this week)
Please feel free to forward this newsletter
to your friends, family, and fellow church members. Also send us a little
email letting us know what is going on in your world; we would love to hear from
Sunday, November 06, 2005

Here are the latest pictures of "baby Ollie". In the bottom picture you can see his head, body, and a hand. Also you can see his ear if you look closely on the head. The middle picture is of his heart and the waves on the right of the picture are his heart beats. The top picture is very similar to the bottom except that you can see him sucking his thumb. It was really amazing to see the sonogram this time. He did it for like 15 minuets and he also video taped it (I am working on getting it digitized so that I can post it). The baby really wasn’t too interested in being disturbed, he was sleeping, but when he woke up, stretched his arms and legs, and moved around some. It is one of the most incredible things, seeing a baby in the womb; seeing little fingers, toes, ears, the way they wiggle around, the way they react to things going on outside the body; it is by far one of the most beautiful things I have seen.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Here is one of the volunteers praying for people in one of the cemeteries in Olsztyn on All Saints Day. Along with the 6 volunteers Sean, Lydia, their oldest daughter and I were there (Emily was at home watching the younger two girls), along with 4 Polish believers, for a total of 14 people praying. Our prayer over and over again this week was that the �blinders� would be taken off of the eyes of the Polish people and that they would see the light of Jesus.

Sunday, October 30, 2005
We also celebrated Sean and Lydia’s oldest daughter’s birthday. It was loads of fun! It had a mouse theme, so there was a mouse cake, chocolate mice, and hundreds of other mice!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
All Saint's Day
This week we have a volunteer team coming from Central Baptist in Jonesboro, Arkansas. They will be spending the week prayer walking the city of Olsztyn. We have been trying to prayer walk all of Olsztyn and by the time this group leaves we will have finished this task.
One of the other big things that they will be doing is going to the cemetery on November 1st to pray for the people that are visiting graves. The above link is some pictures that Sean and I took last year. Please pray for this team as they prepare to come and minister here. Maybe as the week goes on we can post some more about this holiday and the importance of it.
Sunday, October 23, 2005

Here is the latest picture or the baby. The doctor says that everything with both the baby and Emily looks good. It was really cool to get to see the baby moving around inside of Emily, and to see his legs and arms (he turned away from the ultrasound that�s why you can�t see the arms and legs in this picture). We continue to thank God for this blessing and continue to pray for health and safety for our baby.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Brooks September Newsletter
Dearest Friends
and Family,
This has been an exciting month...
Big News!

As many of you already know or can tell from the picture,
we are going to have a baby! If you are from Crawfordsville, Laura Ann
probably told you about it, since she has told everyone she has seen in the past
month! :) We are very excited about our baby, but we think that our parents
may be even more excited. We have been calling the baby Oliver because the day
before we found out, Sean and Lydia’s youngest daughter was playing with clay and
made a baby. She gave it to Emily and said, “Aunt Emily, you are going to have
a baby and his name will be Oliver. So here is baby Ollie.” Please pray for
Emily and the baby. Pray that the baby would continue to develop strong and
English Club
English Club has been going really well since the school
year started! We have had an average of 6 or 7 people and 2 new people have
started coming. We have started talking about different aspects of the
Christian life. Though only one of these people is a Christian, we have felt
like it was time to move the Bible studies in this direction. We have talked
about baptism, the concept of being salt and light, the fruits of the Spirit,
and prayer. These topics have brought up many great questions and conversations
and chances to share examples from our own lives. We are thankful for the
progress that our friends are making in their journeys to faith. Please
continue to pray for our friends, that the Lord would lift the veil from their
minds and hearts. Also pray for Isabel, she wants to know how to receive
forgiveness for sins. We had an opportunity to talk with her a little, and Sean
gave her “Steps to Peace with God” by Billy Graham, and will be talking more
about it with her this week. Pray for this conversation.
Gosia's Baptism
We are so excited to be able to share this great news with
you! We know that many of you have been praying for Gosia for quite a while and
we are all praising the Lord for her salvation and obedience in baptism. She
was baptized on the public beach in Olsztyn; this is a very popular lake (see
the sail boats in the background). It was a perfect day for an outdoor baptism;
sunny, warm, and lots of people out. Several people for English Club came and
shared in this occasion, many of them witnessing their first Protestant
baptism. Because of this Gosia had the opportunity to witness to several of
these folks, and now many of them are asking really good questions and seeking
what Gosia has. There was even a priest there who was interested and set up a
time to meet with the pastor of the Baptist church in Olsztyn.
Please continue to pray for Gosia in her new found
faith. She has already experienced some hard times and opposition from
family. She has been a big help during English Club and will be helping
lead a discussion on prayer this week. Please pray for her as she is
preparing for this.
Kids' Party in

The fourth Saturday in September we went to Ketrzyn to help our friends there
put on another party for local children and the children of students from the
English School in the church. We did a puppet show that talked about the birth
of Jesus, sang some fun kids songs, ate yummy sandwiches, had a fair where there
were games for prizes, and Sean did a really cool gospel presentation with
balloons. Here is an excerpt from an email that we received from Ania and
Michal, our partners in Ketrzyn and the directors of the English School there.
We asked the parents from our school about their
kids and they were very pleased about the event. While we were talking with
one of parents we saw that one little girl was drawing a sinful heart on our
white board. She was illustrating the story told during that evangelization.
So it had an impact on the children’s life definitely.One of the 11 years old girl, I teach English to, is
a big fan of “the little Witch” magazine. She reads it very often and that
worries parents a bit. It also worries me when I see that she is wearing
strange necklaces on herself, like some spooky dragon. I just hope and
pray that the message she saw and heard during the evangelization would work
in her heart. I pray that the Holy Spirit would start drawing her closer to
the Lord and away from the magic. She is the girl for whom Sean made a
balloon heat.
Please pray for the follow-up that Ania and Michal will
be continuing to do. Also pray that they will have continued to
opportunities to share with the parents and children who were at the Party.
Coming Up!
This Saturday we are having a party with our English Club.
There will be food, games, and Sean and Kevin will be playing music and teaching
some new songs to our friends. Please pray that we will have opportunities
to share our lives and faith with the people that come, that our friends will
bring some of their friends, and that God will continue to work in us and
through us!
At the end of this month, beginning of next we will have
another volunteer team from Central Baptist Jonesboro. They will be here to
prayer walk the city and in the cemeteries, for the living, during the holiday
of All Saint’s Day. Please pray for safe travel and fruitful ministry while
As we told you last month, we are looking towards our
future, even more so now with a baby on the way. We will soon be looking for
jobs, cars, and schools. Our #1 choice for seminary was New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary. Because of the Hurricane we are not sure how that will
work out for the fall 2006. I read on their website today that they plan on
having the entire campus rebuilt by August. Please pray that we will have
wisdom in the decisions that we will be making. Please also pray that we will
trust in the Lord and his provision of our needs.
For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His
mercy toward those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the
west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
--Psalm 103:11-12
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Last Saturday we went to Ketrzyn to help the church there with a kids block party. We brought 4 of our friends from the church here in Olsztyn and 3 little girls from Olsztyn. We had a great time doing a puppet show about the birth of Jesus, songs, eating sandwiches for lunch, and playing all kinds of games, for prizes! At the end Sean did a gospel presentation using balloons�very cool!

Sunday, September 11, 2005
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

This is what our work is all about! This past Saturday we got to see one of our friends from English Club baptized! We have been praying for her for almost a year now, and are now praising our God for saving her. We are also thankful that most of our English Club came to the baptism and many of them were asking her questions about her decision and her feelings. She was able to witness to them about the life changing power of God in her life. We are looking forward to seeing more of our friends come to know Christ and to be baptized.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005
English Club Starts Up!
Monday, August 22, 2005

Here's a picture from the camp in Swietajno. We had a great time working with the volunteer team from Jonesboro and with our Polish national partners. There were about 50 kids at the camp and we are excited to tell you that at least one kid was saved and many others were asking really great questions and have started seeking. The Sunday after the camp there were about 20 kids from the camp at church and they heard the Gospel again. There have been at least two girls from the camp coming to church, on their own, for that past couple of weeks.
Please pray for the ones that accepted Christ or are seeking and the ones that are coming to church. We are really starting to see God's hand at work in NE Poland!
To Him be the glory and honor forevermore!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Monday, June 13, 2005
Kevin’s Granddad
Many of you have been praying for my Granddad. He had lung cancer and it spread to his brain and other parts of his body. We got a phone call from my dad on Sunday telling us that Granddad had past away early that morning. It is hard to be away from our family in this time. We would like to thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for our family as we are going through this hard time.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Dear Prayer Partners,
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
English Club
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

We have been super busy, sorry we've been out of contact for a little while. God reminded us about a promise tonight with this beautiful display outside of our back window tonight. Thank you for praying for us. We are doing well working with our English group. They are now meeting here in our home and the conversation/Bible study is leaning a lot more in the Bible study direction. Please continue to pray that those in our group will trust in Christ!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Here's The Birthday Girl

Our middle daughter had her 7th birthday this last Sunday! Here is a picture of her and all her birthday stuff. We had a great time pinning the tiara on the princess, fishing for prizes and scavenger hunting. Kevin and Emily Brooks were here as well as our Uncle Joe, a missionary from Warsaw. We all had a great time celebrating. Happy Birhtday!

Sunday, April 10, 2005
Candles lit for the Pope

This is a picture of the steps of the government offices in Olsztyn. The plaza in front of the building is named after the former Pope. All over Poland, Poles came to light candles on streets and in plazas named after him. We estimated that there were several thousand in this spot alone. Please pray with us that many Poles will place their hope in Jesus Christ alone.

Sunday, April 03, 2005
Saturday, April 02, 2005

Spring has officially arrived in Poland! The water has melted in some places and the storks have returned from their long winter in Africa. We are warming up and so is everyone around us. People are out of their houses and in the streets walking around and riding their bikes. People are crowded into shoe stores buying spring shoes, there were lines today like we have never seen before. We went out today in search of storks because we heard they were in the area, Lydia even thought that she saw a pair yesterday so today we packed up the van and went to the country. Success!!! We found two. This is the one we could get closest to, isn't it a beauty? We hope you are all enjoying spring where you are and thank you for praying for us.

The Pope
Saturday, March 26, 2005

Today (Saturday the day before Easter Sunday) is a big day in Poland. Each family packs a basket of eggs, meat, bread, cake, salt and decorate the baskets with greenery and lace. They take these baskets to their local church for a blessing by the priest. The items in the basket are symbolic of the foods that they will eat on Easter Sunday. Pray for the people in Poland who will be eating these foods on Sunday. Pray that they will know that Jesus Christ is the only bread that will give them eternal life.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Here is a picture from our football party. There were a total of 14 people there, 11 ladies and 3 guys. People wore various shades of blue, green and yellow to support their teams. it turned out to be very much like an American party because by the second quarter most of the ladies were in the kitchen talking. We all did come back together for the end of the game. The Packers won the game and there was mass hysteria in our apartment from the Packer fans. Okay, that isnt true, but we all had a great time and we got to build some new relationships, and strengthen those that already exist.

Saturday, March 19, 2005
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Rams vs. Packers

Friday, March 11, 2005
Polish/English Bibles
We would like to thank you for your prayers about the Bibles for English club. We gave about 11 away this week and have a few more to give to people who didn't come this week.
We got an email from a rather new member of our group that say's that since he has been coming to English club he has an interest in the Bible. Please continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will give our friends a desire to read His word and to know Him.
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Late nights with Drunk Bikers (this is a little long but it's a good story)
I really started to feel like I needed to help this guy so I took Emily home and came back to him. He had made it about 100 yards in that time and was stumbling all over the place. I started walking with him and talking with him, even though he said he was fine. We went for five minuets or so before I asked him where he lived and he said in BartÄ…g which is probably an hour walk. I knew that there was no way he would make it so I convinced him to put his bike in my trunk and get in my car. This is where the fun starts. I should also say that this was all in Polish, and it was at about midnight and didn't end until about 1:30 in the morning.
I start heading toward BartÄ…g and he then tells me he wants to show me around Olsztyn. I just ask him again where he is going and how to get there. So he tells me BartÄ…g so I keep going towards BartÄ…g. When we get to this small town he starts to give me directions but I realize that he is taking me on a tour. So I again ask him how to get to his house. He tells me to turn around and then to "go straight, always go straight." We start heading toward the town of RuÅ› and when we get there he tells me that he lives in BartÄ…g but he wanted me to see RuÅ›. We start heading back toward BartÄ…g when we come up to a sign for another little city and he tells me to go toward it. So I stop the car and start to really question him while I struggle to understand his drunken slurred Polish. I tell him that he said that he lives in BartÄ…g and he tells me his house is in this other city. I ask him again just to make sure, then I ask him how long it will take to get there. I take him and finally he is home. He thanks me over and over again and I tell him that I want to help people because I love Jesus Christ and in the Bible He tells us to love people.
Friday, February 25, 2005
A Quick Update from the USA
Hello all you great people out in cyberspace. I just wanted to write a little post to tell you that we are having a great time here in Jonesboro, AR. It has been such a blessing to us to get to fellowship here with our brothers and sisters. We have been greatly ministered too, through prayer, fellowship, scriptures, and lots and lots of great food! We are thankful that we have had this opportunity to come to Central Baptist Church and feel refreshed, encouraged, and ready to return to Poland to see what God has in store for the next 10 months. |

This is the John Huss monument found in the Old Town Square in Prague. Huss was a reformer who was martyred for his faith. In spite of the fact that he was asked to forsake his Jesus, he refused and was burned at the stake. Pray for us that nothing will keep us from our calling and that we will never shy away from an opportunity to share our faith. We travel home to Olsztyn, Poland in the morning. Thank you for your prayers in the last three weeks.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

This is a picture of an old gateway that is one of the entryways to a very old fortress located in Prague. This fortress is considered to be the first place that the rulership of Prague lived. The fortress ground contains some very old Roman age structures. It is on a high hill and has some incredible views of the city. The buildings on this hill are visible from many places in the city. Pray for us as we finish our time of training here, that we will return to Olsztyn and continue to be a light on the hill pointing the way to Christ is NE Poland.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Hi and thank you all for praying for us this weekend. We are all mostly well right now. Many of those here with us this week are or have been sick over the last 2 weeks. Please keep us in your prayers while we spend the rest of this week in Prague. It is cold and beautiful here, it is going to snow tonight and tomorrow! This is a picture of the Prague castle at night across the river. Isn't it wonderful? I wish we could be here in the summer and spend a little more time out in city. Thanks again for keeping us in your prayers. If you have a chance, drop us and email and let us know you are keeping us in prayer.

Friday, February 18, 2005

This is a view from the Prague Castle overlooking a part of the city. Isn't it beautiful. We have really enjoyed being here inspite of the fact that we have done and incredible amount of work and been to meetings and training sessions from 8:30 am until 5:00 pm each day. Today is Friday and we have some time to relax this weekend and take it easy. We are going to have some fun with the kids on the town. Thanks for praying for us. Our oldest daughter was sick for two days this week and our middle daughter was sick for part of one day. Please pray for us that we will all stay healthy for the remainder of our time here in Prague. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

This is a beautiful picuture of Prague from the Charles Bridge that crosses the river Vltava. It looks completely different today because Prague is covered by a blanket of snow! Pray for us today as we hear from missionaries from our region who are sharing thier strategies with us. We are continuing to pray about our direction in NE Poland. Pray that God will clearly show us the direction our work should take. We desire that His will is done in NE Poland!