Dearest Friends
and Family,
November is here, can you believe it?
Volunteer Team
We were excited to have another
team from Central Baptist Church Jonesboro, Arkansas at the end of October.
This team came to prayer walk, and that is what they did. One goal that our
team has had since the beginning of the year was to prayer walk the entire city
of Olsztyn. Well, with the help of this team we did just that. There were
about 4 of 5 districts that we had not yet prayed in and they helped us saturate
these areas with prayer.
Another thing that they came to
do was to pray on All Saints Day. We went to three different cemeteries to
pray for people who were there preparing the graves for this holiday. We had a
Polish friend with us all three times who was able to explain many of the things
that were going on. I have been to the cemeteries three years now and I learned
more about Polish culture this year than any other time. It was overwhelming
for the volunteers to see such a sight. They had never seen so many people in
one place with such an urgency to do a religious act. It is always good to see
a different culture and how they deal with different things, especially death.
We saw people who have no hope in this life or hope for the next. Please
continue to pray with us that the Word of the Lord would come to this place and
give Hope to so many hopeless people.

We are excited to say that
baby Ollie is growing up and healthy. We went to the doctor this week for a
sonogram and here are the pictures from this (click it for a larger version).
On the top picture you can see the baby sucking his thumb, the middle picture is
the baby’s heart and heartbeats, and on the bottom picture you can see the
baby’s ear. Please continue to pray for his (or her) development. Pray that
God would continue to prepare us to be parents.
English Club
English Club continues to go
well. There were 11 Poles last week, three of them new to our group! It is
awesome that people are still coming and inviting new people. Please pray
that we will continue to share our vast knowledge of English with these
folks, but more importantly that they would continue to bind together as a group
and that they would come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. (See
below for more exciting English News!)
Departure Of Friends
One of the hard things about
missionary life is the constant "goodbyes" that must be said. This month we
have had to say 3 goodbyes. At the beginning of the month we had to say goodbye
to our friend Damian. He moved to southern England to live and work. We did
get the opportunity to spend some time with him before he left. Please pray
for him as he is continuing to adjust to his new life in a country that speaks a
language other than his native tongue (though he does speak English well). He
is also seeking the Lord and the way to the Lord.
We also had to say goodbye to
our good friends Pawel and Ewelina this month. They are moving to Scotland to
work. They were two of the first people we met when we moved to Olsztyn and had
the opportunity to spend some good times with them doing many different things
from just hanging out to working together at the children’s camp to church stuff
to playing music. Please pray for them that they find jobs, housing, adjust
to a new culture and for Pawel as he works on improving his English.
Coming Up!
We are continuing to pray about
the future and our time in Terre Haute. We continue to pray about jobs,
transportation, and issues relating to the baby. One praise is that there is a
possibility of working in a local ministry. Please pray about this
opportunity. We feel that this is something that God wants us to do, but there
are some details that need to be worked out but we are trusting God to provide.
We have been praying about what
would happen to our English Club and what would happen with the people that have
been coming. Well, God has answered our prayers in an incredible way!
He is sending another missionary couple to Olsztyn. The Kaczmarek’s will
be arriving in Olsztyn on December 1st. This is great because
they will be able to take over for us before we leave. Please pray for
them as they finish things up where they are, as they pack and move. Also
they are expecting their third child in February.
Father, I ask that you would open doors for the
the gospel in this area. I pray that many would hear and receive Jesus.
"Finally, brothers, pray for us that the
message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you."
-2 Thessalonians 3:1-
(this is one of the prayers that we prayed
several times this week)
Please feel free to forward this newsletter
to your friends, family, and fellow church members. Also send us a little
email letting us know what is going on in your world; we would love to hear from
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