Hello all you great people out in cyberspace. I just wanted to write a little post to tell you that we are having a great time here in Jonesboro, AR. It has been such a blessing to us to get to fellowship here with our brothers and sisters. We have been greatly ministered too, through prayer, fellowship, scriptures, and lots and lots of great food! We are thankful that we have had this opportunity to come to Central Baptist Church and feel refreshed, encouraged, and ready to return to Poland to see what God has in store for the next 10 months. |
Friday, February 25, 2005
A Quick Update from the USA

This is the John Huss monument found in the Old Town Square in Prague. Huss was a reformer who was martyred for his faith. In spite of the fact that he was asked to forsake his Jesus, he refused and was burned at the stake. Pray for us that nothing will keep us from our calling and that we will never shy away from an opportunity to share our faith. We travel home to Olsztyn, Poland in the morning. Thank you for your prayers in the last three weeks.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

This is a picture of an old gateway that is one of the entryways to a very old fortress located in Prague. This fortress is considered to be the first place that the rulership of Prague lived. The fortress ground contains some very old Roman age structures. It is on a high hill and has some incredible views of the city. The buildings on this hill are visible from many places in the city. Pray for us as we finish our time of training here, that we will return to Olsztyn and continue to be a light on the hill pointing the way to Christ is NE Poland.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Hi and thank you all for praying for us this weekend. We are all mostly well right now. Many of those here with us this week are or have been sick over the last 2 weeks. Please keep us in your prayers while we spend the rest of this week in Prague. It is cold and beautiful here, it is going to snow tonight and tomorrow! This is a picture of the Prague castle at night across the river. Isn't it wonderful? I wish we could be here in the summer and spend a little more time out in city. Thanks again for keeping us in your prayers. If you have a chance, drop us and email and let us know you are keeping us in prayer. stevenson@pobox.com

Friday, February 18, 2005

This is a view from the Prague Castle overlooking a part of the city. Isn't it beautiful. We have really enjoyed being here inspite of the fact that we have done and incredible amount of work and been to meetings and training sessions from 8:30 am until 5:00 pm each day. Today is Friday and we have some time to relax this weekend and take it easy. We are going to have some fun with the kids on the town. Thanks for praying for us. Our oldest daughter was sick for two days this week and our middle daughter was sick for part of one day. Please pray for us that we will all stay healthy for the remainder of our time here in Prague. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

This is a beautiful picuture of Prague from the Charles Bridge that crosses the river Vltava. It looks completely different today because Prague is covered by a blanket of snow! Pray for us today as we hear from missionaries from our region who are sharing thier strategies with us. We are continuing to pray about our direction in NE Poland. Pray that God will clearly show us the direction our work should take. We desire that His will is done in NE Poland!

Monday, February 14, 2005
Emily the Brave
I'm a SKIER! Last weekend Kevin and I went to Ketrzyn to visit our friends, Ania and Michal. We went to several of their English classes and talked to their students. We had a great trip. The highlight had to be Saturday when we went skiing at a nearby man-made ski mountain. It was my very first time and I was terrified, but I tried to be brave! I was a source of great hilarity to all those around me. I would slide down the hill and scream at the top of my lungs in English. This of course made people stop and stare. Several people cheered the first time I went down without falling! It was the most difficult thing I have ever done but I'm glad that I didn't let the opportunity pass without trying! Sadly, there are no pictures of this event as no one thought to bring a camera. You will just have to trust me that this really happened!!

Here is a beautiful nighttime picture of a historic building across the river in Prague. We had a great weekend with the girls and are well rested up for this week. This is going to be a very busy week of working on our plans and strategies for NE Poland. Pray for us as we evaluate and improve everything that we have already worked on and pray that God will continue to show us His plans and His will.

Friday, February 11, 2005

It's not very pretty but this is the Central Train Station for Prague, Czech Republic. From this station, one can travel to any other country in Europe. This is the station that we arrived at on Sunday. Although Europe is made up of many diverse countries, they are all interconnected. A great movement of God in Europe will move along the paths of communication and transportation from where it begins. Pray that God will change the hearts of the people of Poland and that movement will radiate throughout Europe.

Thursday, February 10, 2005
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
What time is it?

Hi everyone! We are in Prague, Czech Republic attending a conference for missionaries in our region. We will be here for 3 weeks and we thought you would like to see some photos while we are here. We will be posting photos from around Prague from day to day so you can experience it with us. This is a photograph of a church that has a GIANT clock in it! It is at least 30 feet across, maybe bigger. It is visible on both sides of the building and you can see through it from one side to the other. Pray for us while we are learning and planning for future work in NE Poland. Pray that we will use our time wisely and that we will have strength and endurance to accomplish what the Lord wants us to do while we are in Prague.

Saturday, February 05, 2005
Fat Thursday

This past Thursday was "Fat Thursday" in Poland, it is similar to Fat Tuesday in the U.S. This is the day when everyone in Poland eats a type of filled doughnut called paczki. Some eat as many as they can, one man in the paper said he was going to eat 17! That's a lot of doughnuts! This is the beginning of the Lenten season in Poland. Pray for the people of Poland that during this time of fasting they will experince hunger for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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