Monday, February 14, 2005

Emily the Brave

I'm a SKIER! Last weekend Kevin and I went to Ketrzyn to visit our friends, Ania and Michal. We went to several of their English classes and talked to their students. We had a great trip. The highlight had to be Saturday when we went skiing at a nearby man-made ski mountain. It was my very first time and I was terrified, but I tried to be brave! I was a source of great hilarity to all those around me. I would slide down the hill and scream at the top of my lungs in English. This of course made people stop and stare. Several people cheered the first time I went down without falling! It was the most difficult thing I have ever done but I'm glad that I didn't let the opportunity pass without trying! Sadly, there are no pictures of this event as no one thought to bring a camera. You will just have to trust me that this really happened!!

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