Monday, August 13, 2007


We will be working with the Baptist churches in Olsztyn and Olsztynek this week to hold different evangelistic events all over the city of Olsztynek. Please pray with and for us in this work. In the slide show above, you will see a picture with a young man standing in front of a church. This young man's name is Marcin and he is the pastor in Olsztynek. Please pray for him and his work there during this week. The other pictures are from Olsztynek and show different places we will be working this week.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're anxious to hear how the week went. It was great being with you, and we'll continue to pray for the team. Jessica will fill you in on our return flight. I'm trying to get my internal clock back to EST. I "slept in" until almost 6 today, so I'm doing better.