Thursday, December 31, 2009
Quotes from the Streets of Poland
-"I have never heard this before!"
-"I lived in the US for 10 years and never had a conversation about God, how is it I'm having one now here with you?"
-"If Baptists have the truth, why hasn't any one ever told me?"
-"You're a heretic!"
-"You're a Jehovah's Witness!" Jay: "No, I'm not." Pole: "Yes, you are." Jay: "No, I'm not." Pole: "Yes, you are." this continued until out of hearing distance...
-"I'm a Catholic" Jay: "What do you think about God?" Pole: "He doesn't exist."
-Jay: "Who forgives your sins?" Pole: "My priest." J: "Who forgives his sins?" P: "I never thought about that."
-One Jw woman said upon meeting Jay again (accidentally in someone's home) "I haven't had peace in my heart since we last spoke."
-Randomly witnessed to a group of boys in the park and one said "I've heard this message from you before a few months ago."
-Jay asked an older woman "Do you think you can be saved?" She put her head in her hands and sobbed.
-Young Polish man back packing through Europe said in perfect English "Why are we even talking about this, I don't give a #@!@*!" Jay: "You told me you were seeking enlightenment!"
-Young High School student: "I'm Catholic." J: "Do you believe in Evolution?" Student: "Yes." J: "How did God create Eve?" Student: "From the rib of Adam." J: "Is this Evolution?" Student: Pauses and answers "No."
-"I'm Catholic." J: "Do you believe in God?" "No, I'm atheist."
In closing: one woman asked: "Why are you going around doing this?" Reply: "Because people are going to hell."
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Greatest Gift of All
‘Tis the season for receiving wonderful packages filled with goodies and gifts from home. My roommate and I have been anxiously awaiting the sound of the mailman bringing a package to our door, so earlier this evening, when the door buzzed, you can imagine our overjoyed reactions at the thought of it being one of our packages. As it turns out, it was one of her Christmas packages. Not mine. Thus, I was struck by an unexpected and overwhelming sense of disappointment that the mailman wasn’t delivering something special to me. Sounds rather selfish, doesn’t it?
Well, I guess the Lord thought that an opportune moment to remind me of something very valuable. It suddenly occurred to me that I was getting rather worked up over a package that would eventually get here and more importantly, one that was filled with things that are temporal.
This time of the year is a special one, but not because it’s a time to give and receive presents, decorate a tree, sing Christmas carols, or watch funny movies. It’s a time set aside to celebrate the most beautiful and wonderful gift the world has ever known: God in the flesh who came to take away the sins of the world. Because Jesus was born into this world, lived a perfect life, died on the cross as an atonement for our sins, and rose again on the third day - defeating death, we have the most precious gift that could be offered to us: a reconciled relationship with the One who created us. This time of the year is not about when a package from home will finally arrive, it is about the Prince of Peace, the Redeemer, the Savior....the greatest gift of all.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
School in short!
We know how to spell, add, subtract, multiply, divide, check our math problems, (3rd, 4th, 6th grades) Algebra (9th grade) reduce fractions (6th , 9th grades), write a narrative (6th), write correct sentences (3rd, 4th, 6th), tell action verbs from state of being verbs and list them (4th), we have learned story problems (3rd), how to read faster and better (all), how to sound out long words that don’t follow the rules (1st, 3rd), how to pick out fun books to read (1st), all about taking good care of our bodies; both physical and spiritual (3rd, 4th), Hebrews 11:1-22 (23-40 coming soon) (3rd, 4th, 6th), from the beginning of time to old Kingdom Egypt (9th grade), from Christopher Columbus to the war of 1812 (US History) (3rd -4th grades), all about Canada and the Eastern United States (Western Hemisphere History)(6th grade), Insects, plants, trees, invertebrates (3rd, 4th, 6th), capitalization and punctuation rules (3rd), how to write a report (4th), when to use C and K (1st grade) singular vs. plural (3rd), Proofreading marks (4th, 6th, 9th), Biology (9th), Cursive (they have learned to write so nicely) (3rd, 4th, 6th), how to get along (all), how to study (all), how to draw dogs and lizards (3rd, 4th, 6th) that singing and dancing is okay and fun (3rd, 4th), how to play Clue (a favorite) (3rd, 4th, 6th), that by thinking we cannot, means we won’t (all), that it is okay to be wrong and get corrected (all), it may take time to memorize math facts and Bible verses (all), all we can do is our best, and that is not always 100’s (all), God loves us no matter out grades (all), that Miss Naomi needs to know when something is wrong (all), Homework is not all bad (sometime we color) (all), that practice makes perfect so we keep practicing (all, esp. 1st), special sounds in reading (1st), Polish (all), to love school and learning, (all), to take care of each other (all), that we may not always agree, but we always love (all), not to laugh at Miss Naomi’s drawing (all), that the drawings, though funny, help us learn (all), not to laugh at other students (all), not to criticize (all), that Poland does not have bugs to find after a good freeze (3rd, 4th), not everybody likes the same things (all), and above all that learning is FUN (all)!
WOW! We have learned a lot this year. I cannot wait until next semester when we can learn even more. I am so proud of all my students and love seeing them daily!
Saturday, December 05, 2009
God's people and your support