Monday, December 21, 2009

The Greatest Gift of All

‘Tis the season for receiving wonderful packages filled with goodies and gifts from home. My roommate and I have been anxiously awaiting the sound of the mailman bringing a package to our door, so earlier this evening, when the door buzzed, you can imagine our overjoyed reactions at the thought of it being one of our packages. As it turns out, it was one of her Christmas packages. Not mine. Thus, I was struck by an unexpected and overwhelming sense of disappointment that the mailman wasn’t delivering something special to me. Sounds rather selfish, doesn’t it?

Well, I guess the Lord thought that an opportune moment to remind me of something very valuable. It suddenly occurred to me that I was getting rather worked up over a package that would eventually get here and more importantly, one that was filled with things that are temporal.

This time of the year is a special one, but not because it’s a time to give and receive presents, decorate a tree, sing Christmas carols, or watch funny movies. It’s a time set aside to celebrate the most beautiful and wonderful gift the world has ever known: God in the flesh who came to take away the sins of the world. Because Jesus was born into this world, lived a perfect life, died on the cross as an atonement for our sins, and rose again on the third day - defeating death, we have the most precious gift that could be offered to us: a reconciled relationship with the One who created us. This time of the year is not about when a package from home will finally arrive, it is about the Prince of Peace, the Redeemer, the Savior....the greatest gift of all.

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