One word: PARTY! We brought back loads of American goodies and the team indulged until the goods were mostly consumed and tummies were very full! It was a great time and we (the Stevenson family) are very glad to be back home!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Stevensons Return
One word: PARTY! We brought back loads of American goodies and the team indulged until the goods were mostly consumed and tummies were very full! It was a great time and we (the Stevenson family) are very glad to be back home!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I have been learning Polish Sign Language for about two months now. I love the language and learning more Polish. I have wanted to talk to some deaf for a few days, just to use what I know. Well last night I was on my way to meet with Ula, she teaches me sign language, and I got my chance! I was walking to the bus stop and there were three deaf having a very heated discussion. I thought this is not the time; I don’t want to get in the middle of something. So I continued walking. Then, the two deaf ladies got on the same bus as I did. I worked up the courage and started signing to them. They signed back to me and said that for knowing very little sign I did very well. I did not know everything they were saying, but we still had a very nice ten minute conversation. I was so thrilled and so was Ula when I told her. It was great to be able to use what I have been learning!
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Meat & Cheese, Please!
After church this morning, Naomi and I decided that we needed to run to the store to get some food because we were just about out of everything that was edible - except for cat food, and we were not that desperate - yet. Well, we decided to buy some meat and cheese that we had to have sliced - perfect opportunity to practice some language, right? Almost. We were able to celebrate at our success in explaining what kind and how much cheese we wanted, but the meat proved to be a slightly different story. We wanted chicken, but they didn’t have any chicken breasts, so we decided to ask for some beef. Neither of us knew the word for beef in Polish nor did the lady helping us know what we were saying in English. Therefore, I had to resort to mooing to get my point across. She understood and laughed. Unfortunately, they didn’t have that either. All in all, it was a funny experience.