Saturday, November 06, 2004

Last Weekend

This last weekend, we were invited to eat in the home of a believer who has adopted us and calls us her family.  She was telling us that on Monday, she would go to the cemetery with friends of her dead husband.  These men go every year at this time and clean the grave, leave flowers, light candles and pray for him as they do all the deceased in their own families.  She feels that she has to go and be there because if she didn’t go, it would be perceived by these men that she didn’t love her husband.  So every year she goes with them to the cemetery.  The men ask her, will you pray for your husband, and she tells them, “I don’t need to pray for him, I already know where he is!  He is in heaven with Jesus.”  So while the men clean and pray, she prays for these old friends of her husband.  Pray for her as she witnesses to these people through her life and words.

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