Saturday was our oldest daughter's birthday. She turned 8 !! We made a Barbie cake with two cake mixes from the States. On the web we found an icing reciepe that said it was just like cake stores in the U.S. And oh it was! All the adults were practically in a diabetic state. The girls said it was too sweet. There are no sweet desserts like this in Poland, so the girls aren't used to it anymore. Yum is all we can say. We had a great day hanging with Kevin and Emily in Olstynek, a town near here. It is an ethnographic museum that has Polish buldings, furniture and clothing from as long as 300 years ago. It was neat. The girls have been three times already so they were our tour guides. They had a blast showing the Brooks around. They even learned some new things like where the saying raining cats and dogs comes from. Do you know??? It was a great birthday. I just can't believe she is 8.

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