Friends and Family,
We just wanted to remind you about our Thanksgiving project
coming up. We will be sharing about Thanksgiving in the United
States to an English school about an hour from where we live.
Part of this will be sharing some "traditional" Thanksgiving
food. There are many things that we can get here, but there are
also many that we can't. So here is your chance to get involved
with our ministry here in Poland. Here are some things that we
need pumpkin pie filling, pumpkin pie spice, Crisco sticks,
canned cranberry sauce, cream of mushroom soup, or anything else
that you can think of that we may need. If you would like to help
us please send us an email at or and we
will send you our mailing information.
We would also like to use some real life stories so if you would
email us stories about your family traditions, funny memories, or
favorite memories that would help us tremendously.
We need these things as soon as possible so we can finalize our
planning for this event. Thank you for all your help!